Monday, January 9, 2012

I was trying to remember your name

I was told that I should write in this blog a bit more. Truth be told, I'm not very confident in my writing skills which is why I rarely post anything that's not a picture, but hopefully writing in this blog will make me a better writer.

I've been trying hard to keep up with my new year resolutions this year which includes taking and posting at least one interesting picture each weekend. I was lucky enough this weekend to have some friends from college come visit and keep me motivated to go out and explore the city.  Highlights of where we went include Golden Gate Park, Haight/Ashbury, Stanford, and Muir Woods.  The picture I've chosen to post today is from Golden Gate Park. The moon was especially bright and started to come out early in the evening.  I especially like this picture because it's as if the tree is trying to pluck the moon out of the sun-burnt sky. You can also make out specks of the city below in the bottom left corner.

Traveling Companions


Interesting things around the web

The Instagram Effect  - I really dislike Instagram (and apps like it) because I think it's overused and used inappropriately, but Wired has a really good article about how it's actually helping people appreciate photography.  While I still don't love Instagram, I do agree with a lot of the points made in this post, and I think it's worth a read.


- I'm also adding a new section to my post called "Traveling Companions". I want to get better at taking photos of people, and I also want to document the people I was around when my photo were taken. The photos in this section today aren't very good. Most of them feature people looking downward (mostly atdinner menus) because I'm not really comfortable yet taking pictures of people straight up.  Also, I don't really like photos where people are conscious of someone taking a picture of them; I prefer candid shots.

- I haven't forgotten about building out a new website. I'm trying hard to figure a good layout to display my photos. I want something that's easy to use and allows you to display photos in high resolution. is a great example of a design that I really like. I'm not quite sure how long coding something like that would take, but regardless it's a project I'm excited to start.

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