Monday, January 23, 2012

Viva Las Vegas

Las Vegas is a crazy place. Great friends in a wild city makes an absolutely exhausting vacation. We stayed at a cheaper hotel far away from the main strip called Circus Circus. Pros: It was cheap and had cheap gambling. Cons: It was really far away, and we had to spend quite a bit of money on taxis. There's not much else I can say because what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas (also my parents read this blog). I didn't have as much time as I wanted to to take pictures, though, but I did get a few cool shots.

Traveling Companions

Lulu and Travis
Ashley and Tanisha - Tanisha wouldn't let me take a picture of her, but I think this picture sums up these two goofballs perfectly.


- Somehow I forgot to take a picture of Cindy whose birthday was this weekend. I don't know how that happened... Happy Birthday, Cindy!


  1. How did I never read this blog?!?!?! I look awesome btw. Also, loving all the pictures! :)

    - Ashley

  2. You forgot Oliver, but its ok no one cares about him anyways
